It's my 100th post and I wanted to celebrate it by making a list of 100 things. Since this blog is purposed to be a reminder here is a list of 100 things (in no particular order of importance) I hope I'll always remember:
100. to smile daily.
99. to live life with a positive attitude.
98. to buckle my seat belt.
97. the smell of rain.
96. the smell of my husband when his cologne settles into his skin.
95. the smell of my children after a bath.
94. the first time my children ever smiled at me.
93. my babies cooing at me instead of nursing in the early early morning.
92. my babies' first laugh.
91. the first time my husband held my hand.
90. the first time my husband and I kissed.
89. my wedding day.
88. to tell my husband that I love him every day.
87. to tell my children that I love them every day.
86. the excitement and joy I felt the day my children were born.
85. to encourage my children regularly.
84. that friendships are an investment.
83. to learn from my mistakes.
82. to forgive as I have been forgiven.
81. to ask for forgiveness when I am wrong.
80. the funny things my children say.
79. to take time to cuddle when the opportunity arises.
78. to date my husband.
77. to seek after God daily.
76. to pray continually.
75. to taste my food.
74. how blessed I am.
73. to not "bite my pants with gum in my mouth."*
72. to savor my family.
71. that relationships are more important than "stuff."
70. that I am a sinner saved by grace.
69. the wonder of feeling my children move inside of me.
68. to support and encourage my husband in his everyday "dragon slaying."
67. to take care of the body God has given me.
66. to rest.
65. that growth rarely comes in the comfortable.
64. that everyone is created in the image of God.
63. to be patient.
62. to trust in my sovereign LORD.
61. "to whom much is given much is required."
60. to put others before myself.
59. the times I laughed so hard my head hurt.
58. to listen first.
57. to pray for the salvation of my children and their spouses.
56. the delight my children have in each other as siblings.
55. the special bond I have with my sisters.
54. the grandeur of God's creation.
53. when my children first show an understanding of Christ's sacrifice.
52. the awe of worshiping with other believers in spirit and in truth.
51. that the Creator made me creative by nature.
50. that life is but a fleeting breath.
49. to let my children be imperfect.
48. to show grace.
47. not to compare my children.
46. the month after our wedding when we almost had to move back in with our parents.
45. the first time my children say, "I love you."
44. to live below my means.
43. that I am a work in progress.
42. to write down my best impromptu recipes.
41. that obeying quickly, completely and with a "happy heart" applies to me too.
40. to be more concerned with my children's "heart" rather than just their actions.
39. not to discipline out of anger.
38. that my husband likes venti non-fat mochas with whipped cream.
37. to read to my children every day.
36. to encourage my children's creativity.
35. to listen to my children ... REALLY listen.
34. the Iowa winter I was blown across the ice standing still.
33. the night my husband proposed to me.
32. the first time I auditioned for a play.
31. the excitement of discovering I was pregnant.
30. the three hour talk I had with my husband before we were officially dating.
29. my honeymoon.
28. to thank my parents.
27. to ask when I'm upset, "will this matter 10 years from now?"
26. that "when Mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy" is true.
25. that it's okay to not have all the answers.
24. to practice what I preach.
23. not to buy clothes that need to be ironed ... my husband and I hate ironing.
22. to sincerely ask my husband on a regular basis "how I can be a better wife?"
21. to not let "the sun go down upon [my] anger."
20. to celebrate my children's victories ... even the little ones.
19. that "he who dies with the most toys wins" is NOT true.
18. to keep learning.
17. I am loved.
16. to say what I mean and mean what I say.
15. to sing to my children.
14. to send love notes to my husband.
13. the people in my life who have influenced who I've become.
12. to play with my kids.
11. that my worth comes from who I am in Christ.
10. that I'm a child of God, wife and mom ... in that order.
9. to be silly sometimes.
8. to love others.
7. to buy two pairs of jeans when I finally find a pair that "fit like a glove."
6. that beauty is more than my appearance.
5. to dance like no one's watching from time to time.
4. that the world doesn't revolve around me.
3. to pray with my husband and children.
2. to be flexible.
1. to be heavenly minded.
*inside joke with the Doughan family. If you want to know ... just ask.