Sunday, April 12, 2009


Question: Why is it that the two biggest church holidays where we expect our children to look nice for pictures and be happy are the most chaotic?!

How could I possible expect my children to be little angels when they have been in an airplane for four hours straight, in the car for a total of about eight hours, missed several naps, pumped full of sugar, sleeping in a totally different environment than they are used to, over stimulated by all of the relatives that need to hug and kiss on them and sick with colds.

But they were.

I'm the cranky one. I get irritated if people are not considerate of my child sleeping in the upstairs room. I'm annoyed with all of the noises of a different house (creaky staircases, squeaky doors, footsteps on the ceiling). I get frustrated when someone wants to interrupt my motherly routine. I'm paranoid about germs from strangers and relatives. I'm disappointed the the sleeping arrangements are a little more than cramped. I'm cranky.

But it's worth it.

I've missed being with family. It's rare to be in a room full of people that you love so much and who love you in return. It's rare to watch your children be loved on and cared for and played with by people who genuinely love them and want whats best for them. It's rare to talk until the wee hours of the night about anything and everything because no one wants to say good night because that means it's one more day closer to saying good bye.

It's TOTALLY worth it.