Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 10: Finding My Stride ... Almost

There's a phrase that runners use, "I found my stride," when they found a running pace that they feel like they could keep forever. Despite the vacationing and the illness in our family, I feel like I found my stride as a mom of two kids this week. I feel like Micah and I are finally on the same page. I feel like we're communicating ... I know he can't talk yet, but if you're a parent you know what I mean ... little gestures he does when he has to burp, faces he makes when he is filling his diaper, noises he makes when he's ready for a nap, etc. He is nursing every three hours during the day and doing longer stretches at night. He's starting his day at the same time (7am) and ending at the same time (around 6:45) and our bedtime routine has been established.

EXCEPT just when I felt like I hit my stride, we had to deal with the two hour time change coming back to California and Micah came down with croup. Poor baby!! The worst of it came when we were driving the three plus hours from LAX to Santa Maria late at night. I was so scared for him, being so little and all. Jackson has had croup twice, but he was much older and I knew he could handle it. There is NOTHING worse than the helpless feeling you get as a parent when you know that there is NOTHING you can do or at least there is little that you can do to help your sick and or hurting child. God knows that I need those moments in order for my faith in Him to grow even stronger and Micah just had croup ... in retrospect that's not that bad!!! I am the weaker vessel.

Anyway, we had a great holiday season visiting family! I miss them dearly and although it seems like our family gets sick every holiday season as we expose ourselves to foreign germs in airports and gas stations, I wouldn't give up our precious time with the people that we love so much.

We're done with the stomach flu, Micah has recovered from croup and we are all adjusting to the time change. Life is getting back to the mundane. I think I'll enjoy that for a little while. :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow Corrine!

Im excited for you to be settling in and feeling like you've found your stride at only 10 weeks AND excited that you had such a good time with family!

AND! I am so sorry that you had the stomach flu go through your family YUCK and while traveling! So sorry to hear that poor Micah has croup-yuck yuck yuck. I will be praying for his peace, comfort and recovery and for peace and comfort for you too. And sleep.