Friday, May 1, 2009

"Happy Birthday Daddy!"

Today is Colin's 30th birthday! I stayed up late last night to put "Happy Birthday" signs up around the house. I feel a little guilty that I didn't wake up early to make him a special breakfast or anything, but Colin wakes up awfully early for a mommy who is lucky to sleep in every once in awhile.

Yesterday Jackson and I walked to Walmart together. Our original intention was to get Colin's birthday cake mix and also pick up some "Cars" sheets for Jackson's toddler bed (he saw them the last time we went to Walmart and he saved up his own money to buy them).

However, when we got to Walmart they were all out of the "Cars" sheets. Jackson was such a little man. He didn't get sad or anything. Instead we went to the toy isle to look at hotwheels and legos. He didn't even ask to buy any of them even though he had $8.00 in his pocket.

I suggested he use the money to buy his dad a birthday present. He said, "okay." I asked him what he thought Colin might like. "Um ... cars." "That's a good idea Jackson, but do you think that Daddy would like cars or would you just like cars?" "Me." "What do you think Daddy would like?" (pause) Finally I made a few suggestions, "how about coffee or a game or a book?" "Yeah" (as he keeps looking at the hotwheel cars).

He looks at several different toys and says, "Daddy would like this!" But I finally suggest a movie that I know he and Colin would both enjoy and it was only $5.00. So, Jackson gave the cashier money from his piggy bank to buy the movie and we get home the same time Colin gets home from work and Jackson can't help but spill the beans (he gets that from me ... I'm terrible at keeping secrets ... I'm pretty sure that Colin knows what I got him for his birthday too). Luckily Jackson can't remember the title of the movie (just that it's about robots), so I'm hoping Colin will still be a little surprised.

This morning after we took Colin to work and made a quick trip to the grocery store, Jackson and I made cupcakes for Colin's birthday. Jackson was a great helper! Here's the final product:

(FYI: Colin likes German Chocolate Cake, so that's why the middle cupcakes are a little nontraditional.)

We'll have pizza and more celebration tonight for supper. I am so grateful for my husband ... a few signs, presents and cupcakes don't even begin to express how grateful I am for him and the fact that he was born!

Honey (if you are reading this) ... I love you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and know that I am SO GLAD that God gave you to me!! xoxo


Kathy said...

What great cupcakes and preperations!!

Happy Brithday Colin!

Reed Family said...

Happy Birthday!

When we have a birthday in our house I'll take the kids to the dollar store so that they can each buy a gift. They can choose anything from the entire store. I'm always so excited to see what they'll get. We've had some real good laughs in the past. Last birthday I got a swim noodle from Kolton and a Dora ball from Kurtis. The girls bought me lotion and body spray.

I am Katy, said...

Fun, fun. The cupcakes look yummy. Happy Birthday, Colin.

Ryan and Katie said...

That was so sweet of Jackson! :)